There are many answers!
Let’s start with some stats about how toxic those common cleaners in your home really are. In 2003, 90% of all reported poisonings in America (of which 60% were children) occurred at home due to common household cleaners. Research has also found that women who worked in their home have a greater risk, as much as 55% higher, of developing cancer and/or chronic respiratory disease than women who work outside of the home.
Household cleaners, cosmetics, and paints contain so many toxic chemicals that this group now represents a leading source of air pollution in some major metropolitan areas, only second to car and truck exhaust emissions.
There are an estimated 90,000+ chemical compounds in the USA today, of which less than 1% has actually been tested by the government for carcinogenicity. Less than 12% has been tested for ANY kind human or environmental safety. That said, we have absolutely no idea how these various combinations of chemicals will affect our health and that of the planet.
The research is all there, so why do we continue to use toxic cleaners in our home, near our pets and children? Enter Probiotic cleaning—a new way to clean and now one that is available to be used
What is Probiotic cleaning?
Probiotic cleaners are specially formulated as safe, organic green cleaners meant to reduce germs in your home by as much as 86%. But wait, we’ve all heard the advertisements claiming certain toxic cleaners reduce 99.9% of germs, right? Why isn’t this better? The reason for this is that those cleaners kill ALL the germs, the good and the bad.
Probiotics are essentially friendly bacteria. You see, most people only recognize bacteria as bad germs that need to be killed, but in reality, bacteria are part of the balance of nature and are absolutely necessary to our good health. Usually, favorable bacteria coexist harmoniously and it is only when harmful microorganisms gain the upper hand that we can become sick.
Good bacteria and bad bacteria are often fighting against one another for survival. We lay down such a large quantity of friendly bacteria that the bad germs can’t compete and essentially die—exactly the way nature intended.
That’s right, Probiotic Cleaning is actually cleaning with germs!
How do Probiotics work to kill germs?
Probiotics clean at the microscopic level to reduce germs, allergens, and viruses by getting rid of bio-film—the secret hiding place of 90% of harmful bacteria.
Bio-film is like a microscopic city full of all the bad stuff. It’s on almost all surfaces that are somewhat wet and warm, including on our teeth as plaque. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) believes that 65% of certain types of infections in hospitals are a result of diseases (e.g. H1N1, MRSA, Staph, E.coli) that live and hide in bio-film. But here’s the real kicker—bio-film cannot be removed with any cleaning products including acids. Not even the strongest disinfectant can penetrate its hard crust-like layers. It’s an armor-plated home for bacteria to live.
Pictured here is bio-film magnified. You can actually see the microorganisms under the bio-film.
When you eliminate the bio-film, germs and viruses have no place to live and reproduce which causes them to die out. Viruses ‘outside’ the bio-film can only survive for a very short time so removing it is very helpful for a healthy home.
The great thing about Probiotics is that the bio-film is actually food for them. Unlike toxic cleaners, Probiotics literally eat away the bio-film that holds the bacteria and viruses that can make you and your family sick.
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